Froggatt Edge, January
Hunting Tower, Chatsworth
Froggatt Edge
Millstone quarry, Froggatt Edge.
Chatsworth House
 Looking down at Grindleford Station.
Above Grindleford, autumn.
 A quiet winter afternoon beside Ladybower.
 Winter afternoon.Froggatt Edge.
Froggatt Edge
 Curbar Gap morning
Curbar Gap
 Curbar Edge
Millstone, Curbar Edge
White Nacy, Bollington
White Nancy, Bollington
A number of small streams run down Burbage Edge after heavy rain, this is one that produces a small but explosive waterfall.
Ilam Rock
Alport village - “
NOTICE TO ALL VAGABONDS FOUND LODGING, LOITERING OR BEGGING WITHIN THIS HAMLET WILL BE TAKEN UP AND DEALT WITH AS THE LAW DIRECTS”. The english could be improved, but the intention is clear enough! A vital clue is the legal reference on the sign: “Vagrancy Act 1824”. This was a set of laws passed in response to the large number of soldiers discharged at the end of the Napoloeonic Wars. Many, no doubt traumatised by their experiences, could not find work, were homeless and took to begging. The 1824 Act not only criminalised beggars, including those who exposed their wounds or used children to beg for them; it made “loitering” an offence and gave the police power to search people they suspected of a crime. This “sus” law remained in force until the 1980's, when the widespread use of the Act by the police to stop and search young men contributed to the riots in Bristol
and London.
Robin Hood's Stride
Bamford Edge
Longshaw - October
Errwood Reservoir
 Curbar Edge
Stoke Flat - October
 Hen Cloud
 Dobb Edge - above Chatsworth
Stanage : High Neb
 Derwent Edge
 Higgar Tor
 Woolpacks - Edale
 Winnats Pass
 Wetton Bridge
 Tegness Pinnacle
Medieval field boundaries, Castleton
Curbar Edge, October.
Looking east from Surprise View
